Introduction Contnued

As the Quality Standard recognises, we need "to balance the drive for quality, productivity and efficiency with the support and development for staff to feel engaged, valued and empowered in leading and driving quality in their communities, services, wards and departments. (1) While such circumstances will inevitably put a strain on employee relations, strong and effective staff governance mechanisms, together with partnership arrangements, will ensure that these relationships are maintained and used positively. This should lead to good decision making and encourage continuous improvements in the quality of service which will benefit both patient care and staff experience.

It is against this background that the most recent review of the Staff Governance Standard has taken place. The review was conducted by a review group comprising representatives from the Scottish Government, NHSScotland employers, trade unions and professional organisations - full membership details are provided at Appendix 2.

The review group was charged with reviewing the current Standard to ensure that it remained fit for purpose in the light of the Quality Strategy, the Strategic Narrative and other recent developments. The review group was also tasked with considering the extent to which a revised Staff Governance Standard should include both rights and responsibilities in line with the language and commitments promoted within the Quality Strategy. The review group also took account of other developments and issues, including work on promoting professionalism, the Dignity at Work toolkit, the healthcare principles within the Patient Rights Act, and Equality and Diversity initiatives.

This document sets out:

  • the strategic framework surrounding staff governance; 
  • the definition of staff governance and the specific elements which make up the Staff Governance Standard; 
  • how the Framework will be monitored; and 
  • the roles and responsibilities of all who are involved.

(1) The Healthcare Quality Strategy for NHSScotland, The Scottish Government, May 2010

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