
Staff Governance

As the diversifying needs of the workforce evolve, the implementation of the Staff Governance Standard allows those involved to modernise employment practices based on the concept of partnership working. Organisations involved are:

  • Trade Unions
  • Professional Organisations
  • NHS employers
  • The Scottish Government Health Directorates

Effective Staff Governance is an investment in patient care. Staff who are well informed, appropriately trained and sharing best practices, can influence and deliver services to the best of their ability in the changing health care setting.

The Staff Governance Standard

The NHS Reform (Scotland) Act 2004 saw this commitment to staff governance being reinforced by legislation and supported by the introduction of the Staff Governance Standard, the aims of which are to improve how NHS Scotland’s diverse workforce is treated.

To achieve the set standard and to maintain NHSScotlands status as an exemplary employer, evidence has to be made available to show that systems are in place to identify areas of concern, that actions plans are in place that show how improvements are being made and how they will continue to be made.

The Staff Governance Standard applies to all staff employed by, or officials of, NHS Boards. The ethos of the Staff Governance Standard should also be reflected in the arrangements with private and independent contractors and partner agencies working with NHS Boards. In order to effectively embed staff governance and achieve the above aims, there is a need for ownership of and accountability to the Staff Governance Standard at all levels and across all staff groups, from individual staff and their representatives, managers at all levels and members/officials of Health Boards.

The Standard requires all NHS Boards to ensure that staff are:

  • well informed;
  • appropriately trained and developed;
  • involved in decisions;
  • treated fairly and consistently, with dignity and respect, in an environment where diversity is valued; and
  • provided with a continuously improving and safe working environment, promoting the health and wellbeing of staff, patients and the wider community.

The Standard also requires all staff to:

  • keep themselves up to date with developments relevant to their job within the organisation;
  • commit to continuous personal and professional development;
  • adhere to the standards set by their regulatory bodies;
  • actively participate in discussions on issues that affect them either directly or via their trade union/professional organisation;
  • treat all staff and patients with dignity and respect while valuing diversity; and
  • ensure that their actions maintain and promote the health, safety and wellbeing of all staff, patients and carers.

Monitoring the Standard
