Access to Lothian and Edinburgh Abstinence Programme

Board: Lothian

Theme: Personal Development/Further Training

Contact: Dr Chris Kalman

As part of the Working Well Challenge Fund 2009 NHS Lothian ran an Access to Lothian and Edinburgh Abstinence Programme (LEAP). The LEAP provided by NHS Lothian at Malta House is a 3 month programme aimed at people dependent on substances, who want to get clean and stay clean. The programme was based on medical and therapeutic care, mutual aid, housing, vocational training and after care. Housing was provided in partnership with Edinburgh City Council.

“Two workers abusing alcohol have graduated and are back to work”

Meetings between NHS Lothian Occupational Health and LEAP clinical staff agreed a process for occupational health referral direct to LEAP. While the LEAP support system would be free to NHS Lothian staff, the housing element would require funding for staff who, for the most part, would have their own homes or be in rented accommodation, and therefore would not qualify for free housing. This determined the application to the Working Well Challenge Fund for a small amount of finance for this purpose. Essentially a referral would occur for individuals committed to getting clean or sober, but where there had been a lapse or non compliance with initial support.

“An individual abusing drugs has also graduated and is now considered fit for work”


  • Two workers abusing alcohol have graduated and are back to work
  • An individual abusing drugs has also graduated and is now considered fit for work


  • It was questioned whether the use of LEAP in relation to NHS Lothian’s own staff could provide an additional support mechanism for difficult cases where attendance support processes had been unsuccessful

Suitable for national roll out:

  • The excellent results achieved by LEAP to date have achieved significant national profile
  • Extent to which this model could be used elsewhere is clearly dependent on the availability of specialised abstinence programmes in health board areas

For further information on the project please contact Dr Chris Kalman