Caring For People with Dementia in Acute Care Settings

Board: Highland

Theme: Personal Development/Further Training

Contact: n/a

NHS Highland’s second project was a one day seminar titled Caring For People With Dementia In Acute Care Settings.

The seminar was aimed at qualified staff working within acute care settings, although it equally met the needs of staff working in community settings. This seminar was run in partnership with Stirling University Dementia Centre.

There was a full programme for the day which included:

  • Dementia/Delirium/Depression
  • People with dementia and hospital care - what are the issues?
  • How does it affect people and what can you do to help?
  • Protecting the rights of people with dementia – laws and safeguards.
  • Recognising the reality for the person with Dementia & Carers
  • DVD - Darkness in the afternoon
  • Looking at the environment
  • Nutrition & Dementia
  • DVD “Oh good lunch is coming”
  • Speaker from the Mental Welfare Commission and the Dementia Centre at Stirling University.


  • The evaluation of the seminar was very positive and there was a general feeling by those attending that this should be repeated
  • DVD shown at the seminar is now used within some of the V&A training sessions as it offers many opportunities for staff to reflect upon their perceptions of Dementia and also to discuss/debate a number of the issues reflected in the DVD
  • Both the seminars and the HCA Course would promote the ethos of Better Health Better Care


  • There was a great deal of interest in this seminar, however, NHS Highland did encounter a problem around release of acute ward staff due to ward commitments even though it was recognized that the learning content was very relevant

Suitable for national roll out:

  • NHS Highland believe it has the potential to be replicated and would allow for alterations in the programme content, ensuring that each seminar has an up to date and relevant slant to it.
  • The seminar would promote a better understanding of Dementia and increase the knowledge and skills of NHSScotland staff to manage the needs of patients with Dementia